Name Reason Length State Admin Date Time Since Location
Woot Spaghetti( 76561198005403112 ) reason 1440 Minutes Lifted Brother Bizon(76561198120884417) 04-26-19 5 years ago
dunkeyface of awesomeness( 76561198044634002 ) Spamming effects after being warned. 1 Day. || Rotthbauer 1440 Minutes Lifted 426th TT Enginseer Rotthbauer(76561197998492978) 04-25-19 5 years ago
phantom0515( 76561198099503441 ) RDM 1440 Minutes Lifted 426th Cadian CPT Voin(76561198258194652) 04-25-19 5 years ago
pcjerry( 76561198130181096 ) FailRP, NItRP, Disobeying staff, minge 0 Minutes Permanent 426th Cadian CPT Voin(76561198258194652) 04-24-19 5 years ago
Ridge( 76561198286725344 ) 0 Minutes Lifted Ridge(76561198286725344) 04-23-19 5 years ago
Elite( 76561198208334012 ) Repition of Pac abuse 1440 Minutes Lifted 426th Cadian CPT Voin(76561198258194652) 04-23-19 5 years ago
fabevil( 76561198010943892 ) Fail rp, Micspam, disrespect 0 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-19-19 5 years ago
Chef Tricky( 76561198831866055 ) MRDM 60 Minutes Lifted 426th Cadian CPT Voin(76561198258194652) 04-18-19 5 years ago
WHALEKING( 76561198308636745 ) Spam 4320 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-14-19 5 years ago
Serious grenuja36( 76561198108899033 ) Failrp, leaving during a sit, minging 240 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-12-19 5 years ago
Serious grenuja36( 76561198108899033 ) Failrp, leaving during a sit, minging 240 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-12-19 5 years ago
Gamer( 76561198353583287 ) Failrp, PacAbuse 720 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-12-19 5 years ago
[65thIL.E]Pvt. Breezy( 76561198858366063 ) Clock, you need to cool down. You may be upset about this but this is a small thing to start killing people over. Calm down, cool your head, and come back when you're ready. 1440 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-11-19 5 years ago
[65thIL.E]Pvt. Breezy( 76561198858366063 ) Clock, you need to cool down. You may be upset about this but this is a small thing to start killing people over. Calm down, cool your head, and come back when you're ready. 1440 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-11-19 5 years ago
[65thIL.E]Pvt. Breezy( 76561198858366063 ) Clock, you need to cool down. You may be upset about this but this is a small thing to start killing people over. Calm down, cool your head, and come back when you're ready. 1440 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-11-19 5 years ago
[65thIL.E]Pvt. Breezy( 76561198858366063 ) Clock, you need to cool down. You may be upset about this but this is a small thing to start killing people over. Calm down, cool your head, and come back when you're ready. 1440 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-11-19 5 years ago
Ilikecakes( 76561198357631915 ) Borderline Sexual Assault 1 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-11-19 5 years ago
B.D. Joe Bowling( 76561198125801070 ) Pac Abuse 10080 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-10-19 5 years ago
B.D. Joe Bowling( 76561198125801070 ) Pac Abuse 0 Minutes Lifted Captain Artorias(76561198355063454) 04-10-19 5 years ago
Brewster's Son( 76561197980711856 ) LTAP, PAC abuse message Ridge on discord for appeal. 180 Minutes Lifted Inquisitorial Crusader Alpha(76561198286725344) 04-10-19 5 years ago
B.D. Joe Bowling( 76561198125801070 ) NITRP, Minge, FailRP 1 Minutes Lifted 426th Cadian CPT Voin(76561198258194652) 04-10-19 5 years ago
J. Boom( 76561198082871419 ) Disobeyed the rules that no one was supposed to use noclip 60 Minutes Lifted Inquis Crusader Montagne(76561198045379025) 04-10-19 5 years ago
⩤LeadPanic⩥( 76561198086010113 ) 10080 Minutes Lifted 426th Crewman Leo(76561198086010113) 04-05-19 5 years ago
...( 76561198182223789 ) Failrp 9 Minutes Lifted 426th Cadian LT Voin(76561198258194652) 04-02-19 5 years ago
...( 76561198182223789 ) 10 Minutes Lifted 426th Cadian LT Voin(76561198258194652) 04-02-19 5 years ago